Russian Ban-ya
A banya is originally an Eastern Slavic steam bath with a stove built from natural stone. The burning of natural wood in the heating process distinguishes it from other similar-looking saunas around the world. Banya is considered an important part of Russian and other neighbouring cultures and is said to have originated in the 10th Century. The bath takes place in a small room or building designed for dry or wet heat sessions. The steam and high heat make the bathers perspire. The Russian banya is the closest relative of the Finnish sauna. Sometimes they are distinguished by saunas having dry steam and banyas wet steam. However, historically, both types used wet steam. However, it is notable that, in modern Russian, a sauna is often called a “Finnish banya” though possibly only to distinguish it from other ethnic high-temperature bathing facilities such as Turkish hammams referred to as “Turkish banya”. Many experts have noted the extremely healthy nature of the Russian heatroom, the fact that causes no weariness to the bathers and instead makes them feel re-energised. Provided during a visit to the banya are a complimentary bath towel, slippers and sauna hat. A heart-warming cotton bathrobe is available on request as is a pre-bookable massage therapy. The most unique service we provide at Victoria Ban-Ya is special treatment made with leaves inside the sauna. This treatment is made by a sauna professional and it literally involves your body being slightly beaten by a so-called bath broom. A bath broom is typically made with the branches and leaves of a tree or shrub which secretes aromatic oils. The branches and leaves are then dried and tied around a wooden handle. The broom is used to massage a bather’s skin and generate heat which is a very healthy and pleasing experience.